I recently had the opportunity to touch carbon parts from overseas and learned a lot.
There are scratches and the carbon texture is low quality. Maybe that’s why it’s cheaper.
I realized that THREEHUNDRED’s quality is very high.
THREEHUNDRED products is an excellent fit for the car, and the quality and luxury of the carbon are quite high.
If you are going to install carbon parts on your car, don’t you want to put something good and cool on it without compromise???
I think THREEHUNDRED’s carbon parts are perfect for such a situation.
We have delivered THREEHUNDRED carbon parts not only to Japanese customers but also to overseas customers (Europe, America, Brazil, Australia, China, etc.).
They have been pleased to realize the high quality of THREEHUNDRED’s products.
when you travel to Japan, I hope you will stop by THREE HUNDRED!!!
I want you to actually touch and feel the high quality of the products!
TEL. 03-5738-7573 FAX. 03-5738-7574
mailto: contact@threehundred.jp [Osaka Sales Office 300POSTO OSAKA] 123-4, Kusao, Higashi-ku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8127, Japan
TEL. 072-360-4636 FAX.072-360-4637
mailto: 300osaka@threehundred.jp
Of course, we are also available for individual consultations.
Please contact us via email or Instagram.
In fact, we are working on an English-language catalog.
When it is completed, we would like to show it to you.
Please look forward to it!
In addition, the THREEHUNDRED website has been renewed!!!
I recommend the “Demo Car List” page. It introduces THREEHUNDRED’s demo cars so far.
Click here for web page of demo car list
Thank you.
See you soon:)