Make small customizations for the best ride

In addition to the standard custom products for driving, you can make your Abarth more Abarth-like by using other small products.
Here are some of THREEHUNDRED’s products that can be customized in a small way and have a big effect.
Driving with the individuality of Abarth for every situation, including the circuit. Let’s love the mischievous and cute Abarth even more!

【Alignment Shims】
Alignment shims are placed between the rear hub and torsion beam to adjust the camber and toe angles.
Changing the alignment values ​​will change the feel of the car. On the ABARTH 500 series, turning the wheels outwards and using 215-width tires helps reduce issues with the tires interfering with the fenders.
It is also recommended for those who want to remove the original wheels using spacers, etc.
>>>Click here to go to the product page<<<

【TTC cut-off device】
By cutting off the TTC, you can cut off all traction control.
This means that you can drive in a sporty manner without any electronic device intervention (only the ABS will remain).
In particular, with vehicles equipped with LSD, if you do not cut the TTC, the car will not be able to operate normally, and you will not be able to drive with the performance it is designed to provide.
Simply insert this TTC CUT OFF DEVICE into the OBD port and start the engine to cut off all TTC.
When not needed, simply unplug it from the OBD port and you can drive normally with the TTC intervening as usual.
>>>Click here to go to the product page<<<

【Rebound stop rubber】
For the ABARTH 500 series, there is a gap between the part that secures the top of the standard upper mount and the body.
When driving, the damper is constantly expanding and contracting. Any gap in this area will cause a time lag in the damper’s work, and the correct damping force will not be generated.
The Rebound Stop Rubber is a part that can be installed on all ABARTH 500 series vehicles equipped with standard upper mounts, and allows the rebound damping force of the damper to be used properly, improving the driving feel.
It gives the impression that the suspension moves better, and I think the ride will be flatter than it is now.
>>>Click here to go to the product page<<<

THREEHUNDRED is there for you to achieve the best driving experience in your own history.

Because THREEHUNDRED is overflowing with Abarth love, we can offer you the best driving experience.

Inquiries about THREEHUNDRED products are accepted by e-mail.
[Tokyo Head Office] 1-13-9 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0064, Japan
TEL. 03-5738-7573 FAX. 03-5738-7574

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THREE HUNDREDの最年少。年下ですが、笑い声は誰よりもうるさいかもしれません。 みんなに優しくしてもらって、ぬくぬく成長中。マネジメントから物販、海外戦略にクリエイティブワークまで幅広く携わっています。THREE HUNDREDの面白さ、楽しさを日本中・世界中に発信することに全力です。食べに行くのか買いに行くのかはっきりしないランチ時のような、先がクリアでない状況が嫌い。姉とは異なりビール好き。カツカレーも好き。
